Advanced Actions - Linking Campaigns

In order to automate your campaigns so that they flow from one to the next automatically - for example, you may want to go from the Expert Content Campaign and have everyone who did not reply to your call-to-action in that campaign to then be entered into the Long Term Nurture Sequential sequence.

To do that - Click on Campaigns on the top navigation bar - and then click the edit icon on the campaign you are going from - in this example the Expert Content Campaign -

Next Click on the Advanced Actions tab - and click the red "Create" button.

The first setting is for the trigger action - in this case we are going to set it to trigger when the last email from the Expert Content Campaign has been sent - so choose "When an email is sent" (you will be able to choose which email in the next setting).

Note: you can also choose the trigger as when a reply is received (ie. to a different campaign for people who are interested);  If a particular email is opened (similar to the reply); and when a link in an email is clicked. All three are aimed at people who show an interest and you can then take them to the next stage. The last option is the one to choose when the prospect does not respond and you want them to go into a nurture sequence.

Once you have chosen the trigger the next setting will appear -

The next setting is "For Message" - ie. the message where the trigger is applied - in our example this will be the last email in the Expert Content sequence.

When that setting is chosen the next box will appear - asking you to choose the action that will be triggered.

In our scenario, where we want everyone who did not respond to our Expert Content Campaign to go into the Long Term Nurture Sequential Campaign, then the setting we would choose is "Apply Tag (s)".  The tag you will be applying is the campaign tag for the long term nurture sequence that you will have already set up.

In this example our Long Term Nurture Sequence campaign tag is called "FOLLOW UP SEQUENCE" - so we would click on that tag so it appears where the the selected tags will appear - and Click SAVE.

So we should now see all our selections laid out like the image below - and we Click SAVE again.

Once we click SAVE we should then see our trigger created -