Searching for Contacts in Your Account

To search for specific contacts within your Connect 365 account, first, you'll click on the menu option for 'Contacts.'

To create a new search click into the 'Search Contact' search bar.

The filters that you can utilize within your search will then open on your screen as seen in the above screenshot.

By default, the search will begin by searching all applicable filters (First Name, Last Name, Email, Company Name, Position (aka Job Title)).

You have the option to toggle specific search filters off by clicking on the Filter name in the view above.

Within the search window, you'll see a series of suggested results within the search window that you are able to click to view.

Or click the 'Search' button to return all search results for a contact(s).

Search By Tags

From your contacts page you are now able to create a search for contacts with a specific tag(s) or those who are currently untagged.

You can also view a full list of all contacts with a specific tag by visiting the 'Tags' menu page and clicking on the tag name you'd like to review.