Setting Up Your First Campaign
For this example we are going to be setting up the Social Media Boomerang Campaign using the templated campaigns. This is a Sequential campaign.
A Sequential Campaign (Called 'Follow Ups' in the Admin templates), is one where when you add contacts they always go through the whole campaign in the order and timing the emails have been set out, regardless of when the contacts are added.
The other type of campaign is a 'Scheduled' Campaign where the emails are sent out on a specific day and time. Once that email has gone it is done. If you want to send more contacts to that campaign you will need to set up a new campaign.
But for this demonstration we will set up a Sequential Campaign that contains 2 emails. This Campaign is designed to transition prospects from social media messaging - like messaging in LinkedIn, for example - to email.T o create a new campaign - Click “Campaigns” > “Create Campaign” -
Next we choose whether to create a custom campaign, or use one of the templated campaigns provided. For this exercise we will click on “Use Template”.There are a variety of different templated campaigns for a variety of different situations.
Scroll through the templates and click the 'Preview' button to see the emails in the particular sequence (click the down arrow by the email to open the email text). Note: you can save your own templates for later personal use - or make them public to allow others to use them.
For this exercise we are choosing the Social Media Boomerang Campaign. Once you are happy with your choice, Click the “START THE CAMPAIGN CREATION” button.
Next you will create your Campaign title. You will want to choose a title that is instantly recognizable and describes what the campaign is about. You may end up with a list of several campaigns and you will want to be able to distinguish which one is which quickly.
So for this example I may call it something like “LinkedIn Prospects SM Boomerang”. Next choose which email account you will be sending this campaign from if you have more than one.
[NOTE: one chosen you cannot go back and edit this setting].
You then have the opportunity to add CCs or BCCs to the emails that are sent out. You might choose this option if you want an assistant to see when the emails go out, for example.You can then set the priority. This comes into play if you have several campaigns going out at once and have a limited number of daily sends - eg. with a Gmail account this is about 150-200 - so you may want to prioritize particular campaigns that are deemed more important to go out before others.
Once you are happy with the settings, Click “GET STARTED”.
Next you have the opportunity to select - or create - a tag for the campaign. Or you can skip this process and add it later. We are going to click “SELECT TAGS”.
If you have the campaign tag set up already, you can click on it and the selected tag will appear in the ‘Selected Tags” box. We are going to create a new tag for this campaign.This will be the trigger tag for this campaign and is how you match contacts to the right campaign. Once contacts have this tag added to their contact record they will automatically go into this campaign.
To create a new tag, type the name of the tag into the search bar. We are going to tag this campaign as “LI BOOMERANG”.
Because there is no “LI BOOMERANG” tag in the list of tags, it gives us the opportunity to “Create New Tag”. We do that by clicking on the red “LI BOOMERANG” so that it appears in the “Selected tags” box above, and then Clicking “SAVE”.
It will then appear like so -
And you can Click “DONE”
Next we have to set the days and times we want the emails to go out. Think of it as setting a block of time when you want C365 to send your emails out at an optimal block of time for your prospects to see them and open them.For example, most businesses are open between 8am and 5pm, Mon - Fri. Or maybe you know Mondays are a busy time for your prospects so you only want them to go out Tues - Fri.
However, your prospects might be different. Maybe you only want them to receive emails during the evenings and during the day on Saturday, in which case the settings would be quite different.
This is where you set that block of times. We are going to set ours for Mon - Fri, 8am - 5pm.
The system starts with all the days selected - if they are active they are in red; inactive they are grey. Click on the particular day to deactivate it.Use the up and down arrows to adjust the time to suit.
[NOTE: we do not use the 24 hour clock here - so 5 pm is not represented as 17:00 - it is represented as 5 PM].
Click on the AM/PM box to switch between the two.The days on which your campaign is active are then listed in the grey box below, just as a double check to make sure you have set the days you want your emails to go out.
Below is an unsubscribe message. This message is activated within the email settings themselves. But if you want to change the text of the unsubscribe message, this is the place to do it. However, DO NOT edit the “click here” part as this is the active link that will remove a contact from the campaign if they click it. If you edit this link, that functionality will no longer work. If you do intend to use the unsubscribe message, insert some whitespace about the message as the text tends to butt up to the text in your message id you don't.
When you are happy with the settings scroll to the bottom of the page and Click “DONE”.
Next you have the opportunity to set up the individual emails within the campaign.When you first set up a campaign, each email has to be set up in order, starting with email #1.Once the campaign is set up you will be able to edit each email individually.To set up the first email Click the pencil icon on the first line/email.
Scroll to the top of the email and you will see the setting for the individual email.The first line is the subject header for the email. You can edit this if you wish to, though remember, these are tried and tested emails and headers. We are going to leave the subject as it is.
Next is the Campaign Start Date. Depending on when you want your first group of contacts to start receiving the emails, you can set this date and time to be immediate - or you may want it to start at a later date and time.
Remember, the settings for your block of days/times you want the emails to go out will take precedence. For example, if you set this campaign to start immediately, and you do it on a Saturday, the first email won’t actually go out until Monday morning at 8am - plus the delay set on the individual email - in this example 10 mins - so 8.10am Monday.
See the calendar is greyed out on the days you have set the emails NOT to go out - in this case Saturday and Sunday. So I’ll set it to start on Monday. The time is defaulted to the current time I am doing the editing. So if I wanted to change that start time to 8am I could edit the time as well.But, for now, 10 am is good enough.
We can also set a delay on the individual email. If you are working on your campaign in the middle of the block of time that your emails are to go out, it is always good to set a bit of a delay in case you suddenly think of something you need to change before the first email goes out.
The delay is defaulted to 10 mins, but you can hours or even days delay to an email if you need to. We’ll keep it at 10 minutes. And check the checkbox to activate the delay.
[NOTE: if you start a campaign and the email doesn’t go out when you expect it to, check the settings and the delay - chances are it is a combination of those that is delaying the sending of the email].
If the check box is not ticked, the system will check for new contacts every 10 minutes. Again, using our example, if you upload new contacts on a Saturday the system will detect them, but it won’t send them an email until 8am Monday.Now we can edit the text of the email.
The highlighted text are the main areas of the email text that you need to edit to make it make sense for your particular business and prospects. However, feel free to edit the language of the rest of the text so that it sounds like it is coming from YOU.
However, the essence of what you are trying to get your prospect to do and how you are getting them to do it is provided in these tried and tested messages.So in this first message you are reminding them of how you are connected; the elements you have in common with each other - especially that you have clients you have helped in the same industry/position as them; and a call-to-action - in this case, to get on a phone call.
If you wanted to include your unsubscribe note at the bottom of the email, click the check box at the bottom left corner under the email text box.
Once you have finished editing your email text, scroll down to the bottom of the page and Click “SAVE”.
You will now see that email #1’s status has changed to “Scheduled” - and the edit icon for email #2 has now appeared, so you can now go on to edit email #2.
This particular second email is different to the first in a number of ways.
Firstly, notice there is no Start Date - that only appears in email #1 of any campaign.
The “Send This Message as a Reply” checkbox is checked which means this email is set to only go out IF there is no reply to the first email. If someone does reply to the first email, the system will detect the reply and this second email will not be sent to that contact.
The subject is automatically generated from the original email subject with “RE: Reaching Out…” You cannot edit this title.
Next we choose which message in the sequence this is a reply to, In this case, there is only one other email, so we select that.The delay set for this email is 7 days, 1 hour and 15 mins. This is from the time the first email went out.
Next is the setting for the condition by which the email is sent out. There are a variety of different conditions that are opened up by clicking the down arrow at the end of that box. The condition is that the email will be sent - “Unless a reply is received”.
Then we can go on to edit the text in the body of the email as before.When we have finished editing, scroll to the bottom of the page and Click “SAVE”.
Now we can see that both emails are now scheduled.
Now we are ready to upload some new LinkedIn contacts and tag them into this new campaign.